Male Bonding and Mutual Masturbation

Schlong male bonding men at waterfall long perspective

History clearly shows that the male bonding or friendships between two males is a factor of life, is a healthy and necessary relationship that all men require.  Whether it be just mutual friends, workmates, gym buddies, or whatever the scenario, bromates that continue to grow, can sometimes form an even closer relationship than they had imagined, and sometimes even develop intermit relationships between each other.

“Male bonding” can occur in a variety of settings, for example: the gyms, the locker rooms, at work, the sports field, through mutual meetings, at the pub, there are a multitude of situations where one man can meet another and find common ground.

Finding a like minded man is a common occurrence and is a very special and important part of life and society.

Finding your mate that completely understands you, you can talk about anything and he just gets you is an amazing bond which hopefully will last a lifetime.

Situations you may find yourself in with another men

Whether you have met another bloke through a social occasion, at work, at the gym or have been introduced by someone else.  These kind of introductions can be fruitful and lead to long lasting mateships and someone who you can talk too and discuss anything with, and they just get you!

Developing a relationship with another man, often referred to as a “Bromance”.

In the current day and age, the global community has recognised male bonding and the need for men to develop long lasting relationships with other men, giving them a friendship and  someone who they can talk too and sort out any issues they may be going through, whether it be work issues, relationship issues or anything else that they may be dealing with an processing to navigate their way through life.

Male bonding is such an important part of the male world, it brings men together to be friends and opens up dialogue and conversation to help each other navigate life and reassure each other that they are on the right path.

Bonding with another male can take a multitude of different paths.  Some men become best mates and talk about anything and everything together.  Other men develop a “Bromance” and find themselves in situations where they are attracted to each other.

As seen on TV, watching a football match and seeing one footy player slap another footy player on the ass when he score a goal, this is a perfect example of male bonding.

As a young male, did you ever find yourself in a situation of hanging out with your mates, had a couple of beers, pop on some porn to watch and the next thing you are all jerking off together? This is purely and simply “male bonding”, it in no way defines who you are or your sexual orientation.  Men will be Men!

 Bro’s jerking off together watching porn is nothing new. All men as they develop through adolescence have some kind of need to confirm their position in life and can readily do this by comparing their peers through a sexual experience.  If you have ever found yourself in a circle jerk off situation, it’s just a normal part of development as a male and nothing to be worried or ashamed about.   

Common names referred to as “Male Bonding” and including sexual encounters are:

  • Bromance – developing a connection with another male. Developing a friendship with someone that you can talk to about anything, share life stories, relationship problems ans triumphs and a whole host of other scenarios.  This “male bonding” and developing a friendship with a likeminded male can lead to a long lasting friendship that can be enjoyed on many levels, help you navigate through life, and just be someone you can count on.  On the other side of that coin,  “bromance” can also lead to a really special intimacy or sexual encounters that are beneficial to both.  
  • BroBate or BroBating – Masturbating with another male
  • Circle Jerk – Where men get together, jacking themselves off and usually cumming on a willing participant in the centre of the circle
  • Fuck Buddy – have physical contact on whatever level, with your mate and “with no strings attached”, it is “just what it is”
  • Friends/Mates with benefits – as above

A little bit of history

Over the course and timeline of human existence, men have always found companionship and comradery amongst their peers.  Now, in this day and age, it has a new term/label called “Bromance”.  What once was a handshake between men, a punch on the shoulder, a few beers and an arm wrestle, has now progressed into a more accepted style of mateship, where men often hug, kiss and are often able to have deeper and more meaningful relationships that involve far more contact and the ability to converse on a much deeper level than in the past.  It is much more widely accepted throughout society that men can be with each other and talk more openly and discuss their problems than in the past, were it was taboo to discuss ones intermit life details.

Now, in the 21st century, men are becoming so comfortable in each other’s company, which is such an amazing development in the evolution of male to male relationships.

Why am I attracted to other men? But I am straight!

Some situations can be standing at the trough in a public toilet, taking a pee and looking across at the guy beside you, to check out what he is packing.  We are all guilty of it, whether you want to admit or not.

Unless you are blessed with a magnificent and well endowed schlong, men are always self-conscious of their own Schlong, it’s appearance, it’s length, girth, colour and the list goes on.  Therefore, it creates interest in men seeking comparison with other men to set their mind at ease or a multitude of other reasons.  

Whether you are a straight man, gam man, bi man, we are all anatomically the same, and our inquisitive nature is all the same.

Men should not feel ashamed about wanting to know more about other men and their penis’s.  Whether you want to compare size by watching, having a jerk of together, have a suck on another mans schlong, it is all good and normal behaviour for testosterone driven males.  This is why the old saying that men think with the dicks rather than their brains.  In some way, that is correct, the testosterone that drives a man can more often than not, get in the way of other tasks at hand.

Stop feeling ashamed

It’s time to get on with it, and stop feeling ashamed or wrong about your desires 

Since the Cave man age and as far back as history is documented, men are obsessed by their penis’s.

So let’s all embrace our schlongs, deal with our needs, wants and desires and then we’ll be ready to move onto the rest of life and all our, a confidant 

commitments like work, family, bills and everyday life.

Suggestions if you have never wanked with another male

If you are a man who has or currently thinks about watching another guys jerk off, understand that it is a normal thought process and once you have come to terms with that, you can then think about the next step and what you are going to do about it.

Firstly, try searching the internet for some mutual masturbation video’s.  This way, you can be at home by yourself, you don’t need to feel uncomfortable and just try it out and see if it gets you revved up or if it’s not your thing.

If it turns out that it is your thing, then there is plenty more to explore.

If you feel like you want to explore, here are some situations to contemplate:

  • Have you ever glanced (discretely) at another man’s Schlong whilst you are standing at the trough? Or seen a guys in the change room at the gym? If you have, and you like it, then maybe you’re getting geared up for something more.
  • If you find another man glancing or looking at you in the same way, you may be presented with an opportunity to explore further.  Say G’day and engage in conversation.  You can discretely grab your Schlong or flash it as you are drying yourself off after the shower at the gym, and see what reaction you get.  Likely, if the other guy is interested, he will make some indication to let you know. 

If you are a straight man, this in no way makes you gay, it’s just natural experimentation and inquisitiveness.  If you like it and seek out more experiences with men, then maybe you will decide that you are Bi.  Who cares what your sexuality it, so long as you do what feels right for you and makes you feel good.

You feel like you want to take the next step and touch another man

Here’s where we start to understand our true nature and desires.  Regardless of your sexuality, when you start to physically touch another, that then starts to define your sexuality. If you are a straight man, who just likes to watch another man, but not touch, you are still straight, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

If you are a straight man who has only been with women in the past but now wants to explore touch and more with another man, maybe you are developing and expanding your sexuality and becoming a bisexual man, again, that’s all good and nothing wrong with that.

If you are a man, who has only been with men, or in the past has had sexual experiences with women but with no fulfilment, then you may consider yourself and identify as a gay man.

No one really needs to start putting yourself in a box or category, in this day and age, the 21st century, just embrace who you are and what your desires are.  If the entire human race could do that, there would be no prejudice, no judgement and everyone could just get on with who they are.

Feeling bored or unstimulated ?

Start to think about your day to day routine and sex life.  If you find yourself in a rut and not sure where to go to next, start thinking about the best sex you have ever had in the past, or what you fantasise about, then whatever comes to your mind, just go with that and see where it leads. You have to start somewhere when taking the next step.

Even if you fantasise about jerking off with a mate, but you have never tried it before, then fantasise about that whilst you bust one out.  Then the next time you find yourself in the right circumstances with your best mate, hit him up and see if he is up for it too.  You’ll never, never know unless you give it a go!

There are groups out there, if you don’t want to approach your mate

Starting to think outside the box, thinking about your mate in a different way?  If you are not feeling comfortable in approaching your mate for a jerk off session or whatever you have thought about, then fear not, there are other options.  Get on the internet and search out what you are looking for and desire.  There is always someone out there or a group you can join in on.     


In this current day and age, and how society has developed and become more accepting of so many facets of life, sexuality and relationships, now men should be able to express themselves more, and be more open to experiences and desires.  If a man feels attracted to another man and is intrigued or aroused by the thought, it is no longer a taboo subject.  Whether he wants to be open about it, or secretive about it, is his choice.

We are so lucky and fortunate to live in the world we live in now, where prejudice, sexuality and racial issues are fading into the past.  We are now free to express who we are, how we feel and pursue our inner most thoughts and desires.

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