Auto-Fellatio. The art of sucking one’s own Schlong

Schlong sex toys for men cucumber with hand, fellatio 2000px

Auto-Fellatio is a rare and amazing talent that very few men can achieve.

A concept that may seem unreal or unachievable for many, it is surprising how auto-fellatio pops up from time to time in modern culture.

For the small percentage of men who can suck their own Schlong, it is the holy grail of self and solo fulfilment.

Having read several times, that men saying that if they could suck their own Schlongs, they would never leave the house. Nor would they ever get any work done. It also removes the situation, of a horny man that cannot find anyone to service him, then he can do it himself.

For those men who can suck their own Schlongs, do they become obsessed ?

One would expect the answer to that questions, as a big fat yes!!!! If you could do, why would you stop?

History of auto-fellatio

There are texts documented in the history of Egypt, of men sucking their own penis and spitting out semen.

Statistics show that a very small percentage of men in the world have enough flexibility and length of Schlong to achieve the practise of auto-fellatio.

The 1 percenters

Generally speaking, the younger the man is when he starts auto-fellatio on himself, the more likely it is to be possible, as flexibility is key. Also such activities as gymnastics, yoga and other forms of stretching greatly assist one in achieving the necessary position to achieve self sucking.

It is reported that less than 1% of men are able to achieve sucking their own Schlong, roughly 2 or 3 men out of 1000.

It is pretty safe to say that the majority of men, at some point in their life, have either thought about sucking themselves, or even tried too.

It is believed throughout history and also in this day and age, that a man trying to fellate himself, is based on homoerotic urges and for some, this may be the case. On the other side of that theory, experts suggest that men have thought or tried auto-fellatio as a form of sexual exploration that they can try in the private.

They also suggest that men, regardless of their sexual orientation, have likely tried the act of sucking themselves due to curiosity, physiology and being in a horny state of mind, give it a go.

Famous auto-fellators

There was a male contortionist know as the king of self suck who performed auto-fellatio in adult films back in the 80’s. Apparently he first started in his early teens and never looked back.

It is noted that many men have thought of sucking their own Schlongs in their youth, when they find themselves bending over, or doing stretching exercises and realise how close their Schlongs are to their mouth.

For those that are close enough and with curiosity, they may continue to practise and become more flexible and actually get there. For those that can get there, one can only imagine that they are never going to stop, and why would you?

Auto-Fellatio in History

As far back as 2,500 to 3,000 years ago, Egyptian texts report a god named Atum, produced his children by sucking himself and spitting his own semen. There are other images depicting other gods auto-fellating which is believed to depict their sexual potency, fertility and self-sustaining powers.

Apparently, there are images dating back to 1000 to the 1400’s in a number of European churches, depicting men bending over or putting their legs behind their head to suck themselves.

The most famous image in the Cologne City Hall has not been verified to be an authentic medieval image or some think that it could have been done by a restorer during repairs after World War II.

It is written that there are images in the same vicinity depicting masturbation and is believed that churches and writers used these images to remind their religious communities to avoid what they see as immortal acts.

Auto-fellatio 1920-1970

In the late 1920’s through until the late 1970’s, there are records in Europe and America where psychologists recorded cases of people who could suck themselves off and would do it regularly. Some of them could only suck the head of their Schlongs whilst others were reported to get their whole shaft down their throats.

Back in that era, the doctors surmised that these men who were auto-fellating were maladjusted, narcissistic and closeted homo’s and what they were doing was not normal. But you would think in this day and age, anyone that can suck themselves off would only be admired for their accomplishment, and envied by many.

Nip Tuck

In 2009, there was an episode on a show called Nip/Tuck with one of the characters was a very flexible yoga instructor with a giant Schlong. He was able to bend and stretch his body into positions that allowed him to reach his Schlong with his mouth and ends up becoming obsessed with self fellatio.

He is so obsessed that he then seeks out a penis reduction to prevent himself from self fellating and being able to get on with life and hold down a real job. What an interesting plot for a series!

Auto-fellatio in porn

Auto-Fellatio showed up in porn movies in mid 1970’s. One of the first movies “Every Inch A Lady, starred a man known as Vido Aras and also known as Dr Infinity.

As the plot goes, he was tired of waiting for a madame, so whilst waiting in her office, he stripped off, put a cucumber up his ass, laying on his back, he flipped his legs behind his head and sucked himself off. From that day forward, directors were keen to start featuring more auto-fellatio scenes in their movies which attracted all audiences, whether male, female, straight, gay or otherwise.

Auto-fellatio in the Internet Age

Thanks to the technological development of the internet in mid to late 90’s, auto-fellatio porn is more available to those interested in it or seeking to see it and how it is achieved.

The internet and availability of a much, much bigger variety of porn and sexual acts, seem to normalise these once taboo subjects and bring them into a new era.

In 2006, a very risqué movie hit mainstream, it was called “Shortbus” and featured one of the first un-simulated acts of auto-fellatio outside of the porn industry.

“Shortbus” was quite revolutionary with it’s matter-of-fact style and depicted Auto-fellatio as just one of many diverse sexual expressions.

Whilst the internet was helped people in accessing Auto-Fellatio video and literature, it was also creating communities for those people interested in learning more, learning how to do it and actually trying to do it. There are now dedicated websites, forums, chat rooms, groups and the like, all dedicated to the cause.

In the porn world, any male performers who can suck their own Schlong, can make an absolute fortune from it, now that must be one of the best paying jobs you could find!

The internet is full of “how to suck yourself off” information. Whilst it does help if you are well endowed, there are many heavier set men with smaller Schlongs that are flexible and able to suck themselves off.

The ‘How To’ guide for auto-fellatio

To be able to achieve Auto-Fellatio, it takes time and practice to stretch and increase your flexibility. There are different positions to try and work out which one is best for you. You can be seated and bending forward. Standing and bending forward or laying on your back with your legs back towards your shoulders.

For the really flexible guys, they are able to get their legs behind their shoulders and crossed behind their necks. That is the ultimate flexibility to self suck. It does help if you are naturally a flexible person and if your Schlong is longer than normal.

However, with determination, lots of practice with stretching exercises, you may well be able to get there.

A couple of cautionary notes, warm up and take your time, it is not uncommon for a pulled muscle here and there, particularly if you are trying to get your legs behind your shoulders and neck.

There are less strained muscles when adopting the bend forward techniques. The second warning, it is possible to transmit herpes or cold sores from your mouth to your Schlong.

Thinking about auto-fellatio?

Whether the internet has or hasn’t made Auto-Fellatio more popular for men to explore, “Sexperts” with clinical experience with their patients, along with survey data believe that almost every man at least has thought about trying to suck themselves off or have tried it at least once and for those who were able to accomplish it, continue to do it for as long as their flexibility enables them too.

Most men who are able to get close enough, can only briefly lick or suck the head of their Schlong, which is not as satisfying as receiving a blow job from another.

However, for those fortunate enough to be able to get their shaft into their mouth, well that is a completely rewarding and satisfying experience.

Auto-fellatio and breathing

Breathing is a big part of Auto-Fellatio. As your body is bending and compressing your lungs, you have to develop breathing techniques through your nose with intervals of holding your breath.

One sex educator writes that the few men that can truly Auto-Fellate continue to do it as their main form of masturbation , otherwise they may only suck themselves every now and again, when they feel like it.

For those men who do it regularly, they say that it is not a replacement for normal oral sex or any other sex for that matter, but it does give them a unique experience and sensation that is different to other sex and that the feeling they get from sucking themselves off it instantaneously gratifying.

Others report Auto-Fellating regularly just for the kink of it and for the taboo side of it.

There are a smaller number of movies or video clips of men who are able to suck themselves off, and are so into it that they can then incorporate it into other sexual practices. Whether they like to be fingered, rimmed, be fucked or use other toys whilst they suck themselves off. The mind does boggle at what could be achieved if you put your body and mind too it!

In this day and age and modern era, Auto-Fellatio whilst is a very niche practice, no one would seem to frown upon it.

It is not for everyone, some people may find it fascinating, some may find it boring and some may find it disgusting. For those who are fascinated by it, want to try it or actually do it may be the pinnacle of their sexuality.

To Cum or Not to Cum

To Cum or Not to Cum (in your own mouth)? This is the question.

For those who can perform Auto-Fellatio on themselves, as in ever oral sex act, there comes a time of climax. Some men who enjoy sucking themselves off, are not the kind to cum in their own mouths, some may even be repulsed by the thought.

On the other hand, there are the men who part of the whole Auto-Fellating experience is getting to climax and then cumming in their mouth. Some may then spit it out, whilst others enjoy the sensation, taste and then swallow.

Whatever your thoughts are on the subject, there are so many likes, dislikes and opinions on cum and whether to spit or swallow.

In Summary

If you have every thought about sucking your own Schlong, whether it was back in your youth or is something you have thought about recently.

Why not give it a go and find out if you can do it or not. If you can’t but you really want to, then set yourself the task of regular practice and exercises to help increase your flexibility, you may just get there one day.

It is most important to take your time, warm up, relax and remember to breath. Rushing to get there may cause injury and stop you trying again in the future. Slow and steady wins the race.

Good luck and here to sucking your own Schlong!!

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